Reclaiming Public Spaces: Radical Alternatives To The Exclusionary Project Of Rightsizing Policies
The Seminar on Social Movements and Political Action, which takes place on April 17 at 5pm, will have the theme “Reclaiming Public Spaces: Radical Alternatives To The Exclusionary Project Of Rightsizing Policies”. The event is organized by Guya Accornero (CIES-Iscte) and Tiago Carvalho (CIES-Iscte) and will have a hybrid format: in person at the Silva Leal Auditorium (Building 3 of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon) and via ZOOM link.
The event will feature the participation of Luisa Rossini (ICS-ULisboa), who will explore the theme based on the case of NewYorck Bethanien, an association of various groups working together to build a space for emancipatory projects, which originated from an occupation in 2005 in the city of Berlin.
Organized by Guya Accornero and Tiago Carvalho, the Social Movements and Political Action Seminar takes place every month and promotes multidisciplinary reflection on issues related to social movements and different forms of political action, dialoguing different perspectives, methodologies and approaches.
Silva Leal Auditorium – Building 3 of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon