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Second, regular collection and dissemination of data on social and political movements and on the state of democracy (representative and participatory) and political representation in Portugal, Europe and the world.

Third, hold colloquia and conferences that bring together the various scientific areas of Group IV of CIES-Iscte (Political Science, Sociology, Social Work, Public Policy), and, hopefully, give rise to joint publications.

Fourth, regularly disseminate data and publicize the activities of the «Observatory for Democracy and Political Representation», in its various valences, within the scope of its website and respective newsletter.

Fifth, to participate in the construction of a research infrastructure at European level on elections and political representation, that is, by bringing together, in a unified and coherent structure, studies on candidates (studies on political elites) and on parties with studies on voters (national electoral studies), MEDem – Monitoring Electoral Democracy (where CIES-iscte participates together with ICS-UL in the international network under construction).