Hora Europa: how do Guya Accornero and Susana Rogeiro Nina view the European elections?
On Thursday (April 18), with free admission, at 6 p.m., Casa do Comum, in Lisbon, will host Guya Accornero, Professor of Political Science and Researcher (CIES-Iscte) and Deputy Director of the Observatory of Democracy and Political Representation, and Susana Rogeiro Nina, Professor at the Lusófona University and Researcher at LusoGlobe (ULusófona) and at the Observatory of the Quality of Democracy (OQD, ICS-ULisboa), to discuss the 2024 European elections.
The event is part of Europa Agora, a project developed by Gerador, an independent journalism, culture and education platform, which seeks to inform about the role of the European Parliament and mobilize civic participation in the election. The election for the European Parliament takes place in June.