The changing city: transformations, politics and movement

The seminar cycle “A cidade em mudança: transformações, políticas e movimento” organized by the projects HOPES, SmarTour and SustainLis, all centered on the theme of habitation and in their final phase, after 4 years, begins today (08/09), at Voz do Operário.

Structured into four sections, each project will organize a seminar, which will have the participation of the other two projects, as well as other stakeholders and invited commentators. Besides being a useful moment of synergy and synthesis of the developed discussions, this is an important moment of presentation of what was developed throughout the research.


Thursday (08/09), 17h, Voz do Operário, Lisbon. “TRANSFORMAÇÕES: Reabilitação urbana, habitação e turismo”

Friday (16/09), 14h30min, Casa Comum, Rectorate of the University of Porto. “SMARTOURISM: Novas fronteiras do turismo urbano”

Thursday (22/09), 16h, Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa-CIUL. “POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS: Que futuros urbanos à luz das mais recentes políticas de habitação?”

Monday (26/09), 15h, Biblioteca Palácio Galveias, Campo Pequeno, Lisbon. “MOVIMENTOS: Mudança urbana e Dinâmicas Políticas”
