Artigos 2024
Artigos 2023
Artigos 2022
Artigos 2021
Accornero, G. (2021). Contentious buildings: The struggle against eviction in NYC’s Lower East Side. Current Sociology.
Álvarez-Pérez, P., Ferreira, J. (2021). La construcción teórica del objeto en Trabajo Social: un análisis empírico basado en la formación de segundo ciclo. Comunitania. Revista Internacional de Trabajo Social y Ciencias Sociales, 21, 61-95.
Álvarez-Pérez, P., Harris, V. (2021). Personal social networks as a superdiversity dimension: A qualitative approach with second-generation Americans. Current Sociology.
Álvarez-Pérez, P., Relinque-Medina, F., Vázquez-Aguado, O., Harris, V. W. (2021). What are social workers currently doing to positively impact how people access public housing services in Spain?. SAGE Open, 11(1), 1-11.
Asensio, M. (2021). The political legitimacy of the healthcare system in Portugal: insights from the European Social Survey. Healthcare, 9(2).
Belchior AM, Teixeira CP. (2021). Determinants of Political Trust during the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Putting Policy Performance into Evidence. Political Studies Review.
Caiani M, Carvalho T. (2021). The use of religion by populist parties: the case of Italy and its broader implications. Religion, State and Society, 49:3, 211-230.
Casquilho-Martins, I.; Matela, T. (2021). Protection of Immigrant Children and Youth at Risk: Experiences and Strategies of Social Integration in Portugal. Societies, 11(4).
Ferreira, J. M. L. (2021). Children’s life in superdiversity contexts: impacts on the construction of a children’s citizenship – the Portuguese case. Current Sociology.
Ferreira, J., Cojocaru, D., Hassaini, L., Ionescu, I., Moreno Saint-Martin, C. (2021). The Philia project – for the successful integration of the young through their empowerment and social network development. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii »Alexandru Ioan Cuza« din Iaşi. Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială, 1, 17-27.
Freire, A. (2021). Left-wing governmental alliance in Portugal, 2015-2019: A way of renewing and rejuvenating social democracy?. Brazilian Political Science Review, 15(2).
Goritz, A., Jörgens, H., Kolleck, N. (2021). Interconnected bureaucracies? Comparing online and offline networks during global climate negotiations. International Review of Administrative Sciences.
Goritz, A., Schuster, J., Jörgens, H., Kolleck, N. (2021). International public administrations on Twitter: a comparison of digital authority in global climate policy. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.
Lisi, M., Quaranta, M., Real-Dato, J., Tsatsanis, E. (2021). Assessing the Impact of Age, Cohort and Period Effects on Partisanship and Support for Mainstream Parties: Evidence from Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics.
López Peláez, A., Álvarez-Pérez, P., Harris, V. W. (2021). Methodological pathways to portray superdiversity: A few concluding thoughts. Current Sociology.
López Peláez, A., Álvarez-Pérez, P., Harris, V. W. (2021). Superdiversity: New paths for social sciences in the upcoming future. Current Sociology.
Madureira, C., Rando, B., Ferraz, D. (2021). The Public Administration Performance Appraisal Integrated System (SIADAP) and the Portuguese civil servants perceptions. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(4), 300-310.
Moriconi, M., Almeida, J. P. (2021). El mercado global de apuestas deportivas online: terreno fértil para fraudes y crímenes. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 96, 93-116.
Nina, S. R., Santana-Pereira, J. (2021). Feasting our eyes on the candidates: visual cues in televised debates prime personality traits of lesser known candidates and promote learning. International Journal of Press-Politics, 26(1), 236-255.
Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Budal, A., Dahal, S., Daniel-Wrabetz, J., Meshelemiah, J., Carvalho, J., et al. (2021). ‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal. Journal of Rural Studies.
Quintela, D. (2021). Do projeto Marca Portugal ao Portugal Sou Eu: que políticas públicas para a Marca Portugal. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 95, 61-83.
Raimundo, F., Santana Pereira, J. (2021). Do successor parties influence public attitudes toward the past? Evidence from young democracies. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54(3), 1-26.
Schuster, J., Jörgens, H., Kolleck, N. (2021). The rise of global policy networks in education: analyzing Twitter debates on inclusive education using social network analysis. Journal of Education Policy, 36(2), 211-231.
Teperoglou, E., Belchior, A. M. (2021). Is ‘Old Southern Europe’ still eurosceptic? Determinants of mass attitudes before, during and after the eurozone crisis. South European Society and Politics.
Artigos 2020
Almeida, M. A. (2020). The use of rural areas in Portugal: historical perspective and the new trends. Revista Galega de Economía, 29(2).
Almeida, M. A., Alberca, J. P. (2020). Comparing local transitions in Southern Europe: center-periphery relations and governors in the South of Spain and Portugal, 1970-1980. Análise Social, 55(235), 222-243.
Álvarez-Pérez, P., Ferreira, J., Pena, M. (2020). Alternative model for social work undergraduate training. Social Work Education, 39(1), 97-110.
Belchior, A. M. (2020). Political parties in troubled times: economic crisis and voter's perceptual bias of parties' ideology in Europe. Comparative European Politics, 18, 171-189.
Borghetto, E., Belchior, A. M. (2020). Party manifestos, opposition and media as determinants of the cabinet agenda. Political Studies, 68(1), 37-53.
Borghetto, E., Santana-Pereira, J., Freire, A. (2020). Parliamentary questions as an instrument for geographic representation: the hard case of Portugal. Swiss Political Science Review, 26(1), 10-30.
Carreiras, H., Bessa, F., Ávila, P., Malheiro, L. (2020). Cadets in Portuguese military academies: a sociological portrait. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 93, 9-29.
Carvalho, J. (2020). Immigrants’ acquisition of national citizenship in Portugal and Spain: the role of multiculturalism?. Citizenship Studies, 24(2), 228-246.
Carvalho, J., Duarte, M. C. (2020). The politicization of immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014: a European exception?. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58(6), 1469-1487.
Carvalho, J., Ruedin, D. (2020). The positions mainstream left parties adopt on immigration: a cross-cutting cleavage?. Party Politics, 26(4), 379-389.
Casquilho-Martins, I., Belchior-Rocha, H., Ferreira, J. (2020). Community strategies for intercultural participation. Trabajo Social Global, 10(19), 157-179.
De Giorgi, E., Santana Pereira, J. (2020). The exceptional case of post-bailout Portugal: a comparative outlook. South European Society and Politics, 25(2), 127-150.
de Sousa, L., Calca, P. (2020). Understanding corruption through the analysis of court case content: research note. Qualitative Research Journal, 21(2), 135-147.
Dores, A. P. (2020). Questioning the hope in science and schooling. Critical Sociology, 47(4-5), 687-698.
Dores, A. P., Sousa e Silva, M. (2020). The new clash of generation. Revista Estudos Institucionais, 6(3), 1436-1452.
Espírito-Santo, A., Freire, A., Serra-Silva, S. (2020). Does women’s descriptive representation matter for policy preferences? The role of political parties. Party Politics, 26(2), 227-237.
Espírito-Santo, A., Sanches, E. R. (2020). Who gets what? The interactive effect of MPs’ sex in committee assignments in Portugal. Parliamentary Affairs, 73(2), 450–472.
Espírito-Santo, A., Santos, M. H. (2020). The share of women in decision-making positions across different levels of government. Representation.
Madureira, C. (2020). A reforma da administração pública e a evolução do estado- providência em Portugal: história recente. Ler História, 76, 179-202.
Moriconi, M. (2020). Deconstructing match-fixing: a holistic framework for sport integrity policies. Crime, Law and Social Change, 74(1), 1-12.
Moriconi, M., Cima, C. (2020). Betting practices among players in Portuguese championships: from cultural to illegal behaviours. Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, 161-181.
Moriconi, M., Cima, C. (2020). To report, or not to report? From code of silence suppositions within sport to public secrecy realities. Crime, Law and Social Change, 74(1), 55-76.
Moriconi, M., Cima, C. (2020). Why some football referees engage in match-fixing? A sociological explanation of the influence of social structures. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 13(4), 545-563.
Pereirinha, J. A., Branco, F., Pereira, E., Amaro, M. I. (2020). The guaranteed minimum income in Portugal: a universal safety net under political and financial pressure. Social Policy and Administration, 54(4), 574-586.
Saerbeck, B., Well, M., Jörgens, H., Goritz, A., Kolleck, N. (2020). Brokering climate action: the UNFCCC secretariat between parties and non-party stakeholders. Global Environmental Politics, 20(2), 105-127.
Santana Pereira, J., Cancela, J. (2020). Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post-bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics, 25(2), 205-228.
Santana Pereira, J., Lains, M. (2020). What explains preferential voting? A field experiment in Portugal. Análise Social, 54(234), 4-26.
Santos, C. P. C. D., Valduga, T., Ferreira, J. (2020). Social work in the web of social protection: contexts and alternatives. International Social Work, 63(3), 291-305.
Seriatos, A., Teperoglou, E., Tsatsanis, E. (2020). Two-partyism Reloaded: Polarisation, Negative Partisanship, and the Return of the Left-right Divide in the Greek Elections of 2019. South European Society and Politics, 25(3-4), 503-532.
Serra-Silva, S., Belchior, A. M. (2020). Understanding the pledge fulfilment of opposition parties using evidence from Portugal. European Politics and Society, 21(1), 72-90.
Solorio, I., Jörgens, H. (2020). Contested energy transition? Europeanization and authority turns in EU renewable energy policy. Journal of European Integration, 42(1), 77-93.
Stark, T. H., Silber, H., Krosnick, J. A., Clement, S. L., Bosnjak, M., Blom, A.G., Belchior, A. M., Aoyagi, M., et al. (2020). Generalization of classic question order effects across cultures. Sociological Methods and Research, 49(3), 567-602.
Teperoglou, E., Schmitt, H., Sanz, A., Braun, D. (2020). It All Happens at Once: Understanding Electoral Behaviour in Second-Order Elections. Politics and Governance, 8(1), 6-18.
Verge, T., Wiesehomeier, N., Espírito-Santo, A. (2020). Framing symbolic representation: exploring how women’s political presence shapes citizens’ political attitudes. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 3(2), 257-276.
Well, M., Saerbeck, B., Jörgens, H., Kolleck, N. (2020). Between mandate and motivation: bureaucratic behavior in global climate governance. Global Governance, 26(1), 99-120.
Artigos 2019
Accornero, G. (2019). ‘I wanted to carry out the revolution’: activists’ trajectories in Portugal from dictatorship to democracy. Social Movement Studies, 18(3), 305-323.
Accornero, G. (2019). “Everything was possible”: emotions and perceptions of the past among former Portuguese antifascist activists. Mobilization, 24(4), 439-453.
Asensio, M., Popic, T. (2019). Portuguese healthcare reforms in the context of crisis: external pressure or domestic choice?. Social Policy and Administration, 53(7), 1003-1017.
Belchior, A. M. (2019). The effects of party identification on perceptions of pledge fulfilment: evidence from Portugal. International Political Science Review, 40(5), 627-642.
Belchior, A. M., Lisi, M., Abrantes, M., Azevedo, J. (2019). O sentido de voto dos eleitores residentes no estrangeiro, 1976-2011. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 91, 97-115.
Bragança Bittencourt, M., Amaro, M. I. (2019). Social work, human rights and conceptions of human dignity: The case of social workers in Lisbon. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 18(3), 341-358.
Calca, P., Gross, M. (2019). To adapt or to disregard? Parties’ reactions to external shocks. West European Politics, 42(3), 545-572.
Carvalho, J. (2019). Mainstream party strategies towards extreme right parties: the French 2007 and 2012 Presidential Elections. Government and Opposition, 54(2), 365-386.
Freire, A., Santana Pereira, J. (2019). The President’s dilemma: the Portuguese semi-presidential system in times of crisis (2011–16). International Journal of Iberian Studies, 32(3), 117-135.
Goritz, A., Kolleck, N., Jörgens, H. (2019). Education for sustainable development and climate change education: the potential of social network analysis based on twitter data. Sustainability, 11(19).
Matias, A. R. (2019). As eleições europeias de 2019 em Malta: Um império trabalhista num país em relativo contraciclo. Relações Internacionais, 64, 85-100.
Moriconi, M., Almeida, J. P. (2019). Portuguese Fight Against Match-Fixing: Which Policies and What Ethic?. Journal of Global Sport Management, 4(1), 79-96.
Popic, T., Schneider, S., Asensio, M. (2019). Public opinion towards healthcare in the context of economic crisis: evidence from Portugal. Journal of Social Policy, 48(4), 741-764.
Portos M. Carvalho T. (2019). Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession. Social Movement Studies,
Queiroga, V. (2019). As eleições europeias de 2019 em Chipre: Entre a consolidação dos velhos protagonistas e a ameaça de uma nova força política. Relações Internacionais, 64, 101-115.
Razzuoli, I., Raimundo, F. (2019). Party interest-group relations in Portugal: organizational linkages and party strategies (2008-2015). Mediterranean Politics, 24(5), 626-645.
Santana Pereira, J., Nina, S. R., Delgado. D. (2019). Elections in Cape Verde, 1991-2016: testing the second-order election model in a consolidated semi-presidential African democracy. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 38, 67-91.