Pré-conferência internacional The Struggle for Housing Justice: Crises, Movements, Knowledge and Policy
The Struggle for Housing Justice: Crises, Movements, Knowledge and Policy
Nos dias 27 e 28 de junho ocorrerá a conferência internacional “The Struggle for Housing Justice: Crises, Movements, Knowledge and Policy”, no ICS-ULisboa, organizada no âmbito do projeto HOPES, em parceria com a Research Network Social Movements do Council of European Studies. Este é um pré-evento que antecede a Conferência do Council for European Studies (CES) que terá lugar em Lisboa, entre os dias 29 de junho e 1 de julho.
A pré-conferência contará com cinco painéis: Painel 1 (27/06 – 14:30) Building Meaning at the Local Level: Claim Making, Repertoires and Strategies; Painel2 (27/06 – 16:45) From Public to ‘the Commons’: Housing Movements Impacts on Policy Development; Painel 3 (28/06 – 9h) Housing Alternatives from the Grassroots; Painel 4 ( 28/06 – 11:15) Collaborative Forms of Knowledge Production from Housing Movements; Painel 5 (28/06 – 15h) Community Level Organising: Local Struggles and Urban Change.
Veja a programação na íntegra no link: The Struggle for Housing Justice Programme
Local: ICS-ULisboa