Researching Social Movements: Methodological, Ethical, and Political Challenges
A Rede de Investigação em Movimentos Sociais do Council for European Studies (CES) realiza, nos dias 1 e 2 de julho, a conferência “Researching Social Movements: Methodological, Ethical, and Political Challenges”, na cidade de Lyon (FR), antecedendo a conferenciado CES, que ocorre nos dias 3 a 5 de julho, na mesma cidade.
A conferência da Rede de Investigação contará com cinco painéis nas temáticas: “Issues with positionality”; “Calling into question the researcher/researched boundary”; “Doing risky business: advancing knowledge without endangering activists (or oneself)”; “Deconstructing social movements’ scholars categories of thought”; “The social movements’ scholar toolkit: tool-making and tool-selection”.
Além de Guya Accornero e Tiago Carvalho (CIES – Iscte ) e Marco Allegra e Luisa Rossini (ICS-UL), fazem parte comité organizador da conferência, Gabriele D’Adda (University of Catania), Motsserrat Emperador Badimon ( Triangle, Université Lumière Lyon 2), Pierre Monforte (University of Leicester) e Lucia Valdivia ( Centre Max Weber, Université Lumière Lyon 2)