The Ukrainian War and International Relations
On Monday 04 December 2023, at 6pm, the War in Ukraine will once again be the subject of discussion in the cycle of doctoral debates of the PhD in Political Science at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, this time with a focus on the international relations surrounding the conflict and the participation of Liliana Reis, professor of International Relations at UBI and Universidade Lusófona.
The conference will seek to provide an interactive and dialectical assessment of the relationship between International Relations theories and the war in Ukraine, discussing the issue from various epistemological perspectives and understanding what the actual development of the war suggests about the development of International Relations theories.
With academic interests involving European Studies, the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy, Global Governance, Human Rights and the Western Balkans, Liliana Reis is an Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies (ULTH), where she currently heads the degree in Political Science and International Relations, and a researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-NOVA). With a PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Minho, Liliana Reis is the author of A Construção do Ator Securitário Europeu: a hora das escolhas and co-editor of Climate Change and Global Development; Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da União Europeia and Creation of States And State-Building Perspectives on Kosovo’s Struggle For Statehood Ten Years After Independence, as well as having received an honourable mention in the Medeiros Ferreira Prize.
Date and time:
Monday 04 Dezember 2023, at 6pm
Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa