Doctoral Conferences “Latin America in the Age of Fascism”
Doctoral Conferences in Political Science (DCP), specializing in International Relations, “Latin America in the Age of Fascism”
On Monday, May 16, at 6 pm, Professor António Costa Pinto (ICS-UL) will participate in the conference “Latin America in the Age of Fascism”, addressing Latin American dictatorships over time and space in the interwar world, based on the assumption that the transnational interrelationships between dictatorships and corporate ideologies generated a wide field of circulation of ideas and practices that shaped the experience of these regimes. During the conference, corporatism – common to European regimes, such as Italian Fascism, Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship in Spain, and Salazar’s Estado Novo in Portugal – will be guided as an ideology and, above all, as a practice of power that it was widely shared, reformulated and applied to Latin America during the so-called wave of “reverse” authoritarianism of the historical period. The conference will be moderated by Professor Luís Nuno Rodrigues and is organized by the PhD in Political Science at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
António Costa Pinto is Coordinating Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Guest Professor at ISCTE-IUL, his main areas of research being fascism and authoritarianism, democratization and decolonization, political elites and the comparative study of political changes in Europe. He is the author of “The Shadow of Dictatorships in Southern Europe and Latin America” (co-directed, Civilização Brasileira, 2013) and Contemporary History of Portugal (co-directed, MAPFRE/Objetiva, 2013-2015, 5 volumes), in addition to of “Latin America in the Age of Fascism” (Edições 70, 2021), a reference work in this conference.
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Auditório Silva Leal, Ala Autónoma