Pop Art, mass culture and the appropriation of the media character of politics in the USA
“Pop Art, mass culture and the appropriation of the media character of politics in the USA” is the theme of the debate held by the PhD in Political Science, specializing in international relations, at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, on Monday, February 19, 2023, at 6pm.
With the participation of Isabel Nogueira, visiting assistant professor at FBAUL and integrated researcher at CIEBA/FBAUL, and moderation by André Freire, full professor of Political Science at Iscte and integrated researcher at CIES – Iscte, the event is organized by CIES-Iscte in partnership with CEI-Iscte and the Observatory of Democracy and Political Representation.
Isabel Nogueira, as well as being a professor and researcher at FBAUL, is a writer, historian and critic of contemporary art.
Date and time:
Monday, February 19, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Auditorium B2.03 – Ferreira de Almeida – Building 2 (ISCTE-IUL)