Another electoral earthquake? A preliminary analysis of the 2022 Italian elections
On Monday (17/10/2022), at 6pm, the PhDs in Political Science and International Studies at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, with the support from CIES-Iscte, CEI-Iscte and the Observatory for Democracy and Political Representation (CIES-ODRP), hold the conference “Another electoral earthquake? A preliminary analysis of the 2022 Italian elections”, which seeks to understand the Italian elections of September 2022 and the Italian radical right in the European context.
The conference is divided into two parts: the first will present recent evolution of the Italian party system in a comparative perspective and the electoral bases of the main parties; the second will focus on the figure of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and on the ideological identity of the Fratelli d’Italia party, contextualized within the broader scope of European radical and populist rights and the academic concepts of extremism, radicalism, right-wing populism.
The conference will have the participation of two Italian professors: Marco Lisi, associate professor in the Department of Political Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University, with a vast repertoire of scientific investigations related to political parties, elections, political representation and electoral campaigns; and Riccardo Marchi, researcher at the Center for International Studies at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, and visiting professor at Universidade Lusófona, with relevant investigations related to right-wing radicalism (political thought, parties and movements) in contemporary Europe.