New Technologies for Deliberative Democracy at Scale
On Wednesday, March 22, at 6 pm, in hybrid format, a new session of the Seminar Social Movements and Political Action will take place, with the theme “New Technologies for Deliberative Democracy at Scale: A Discourse-based Collective Intelligence Research and Applications perspective”, with the participation of researcher Anna De Liddo.
Anna De Liddo is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Director of Research at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University (UK), focuses her research on Collective Intelligence facilitated through new forms of dialogue and deliberation and leads IDea (Intelligent Deliberation Group). In the last 15 years, he has participated in the design and development of eight different Collective Intelligence technologies (Cohere, The Evidence Hub, LiteMap, DebateHub, CIdashboard, Democratic Reflection, Democratic Replay, Bcause.app).
Organized by Guya Accornero and Tiago Carvalho, the Seminar Social Movements and Political Action takes place every month and promotes a multidisciplinary reflection on issues related to social movements and different forms of political action, dialoguing different perspectives, methodologies and approaches.
Anna De Liddo (Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University)