Biografias dos Deputados

Biographies of Portuguese MPs

The “Biographies of Portuguese MPs” are sociodemographic files of each Member of the Portuguese Parliament (MP), produced after each Portuguese legislative election, based on information available on the website of the Assembly of the Republic (see this link:

The “Biographies of Portuguese MPs, 2022 Election – Database”, are, at this very moment, in the process of data collection and processing, so they will be ready and available soon. The researchers responsible for this research are André Freire (coordinator) and research fellows Viriato Queiroga and Livino Neto.

The “Biographies of Portuguese MPs, 2019 Election – Database”, were collected and processed in 2020 and 2021, and are currently under embargo, so they will be available for public consult by the end of 2022. The researchers responsible for this research are André Freire (coordinator) and research fellow Viriato Queiroga.

However, on this page the reader can consult the available data referring to the biographical files of the MPs from 1975 to 2015.

Data referring to previous editions are available on the website “Elections and Political Representation” ( Next, we list each edition of the biographical files, with the respective link to the data available for use. In each of these links, the respective Databases in SPSS and Codebooks can be found:

  • Freire, André (coord.), “Biographies of Portuguese MPs, Elections 1975-2005 – Databases”, in Freire, André, Viegas, José Manuel, & Seiceira, Filipa (coord.) (2009), Representação Política em Portugal – Inquéritos e Bases de Dados, Lisboa, Sextante. (

  • Freire, André, Lisi, Marco & Viegas, José Manuel (coord.), “Biographies of Portuguese MPs 2011 – Database”, in Freire, André, Viegas, Lisi, Marco, & José Manuel (coord.) (2009), Project Elections, Leadership and Accountability, 2012-2015 (FCT: PTDC/CPJ-CPO/119307/2010) (

  • Freire, André, Lisi, Marco & Tsatsanis, Emmanouil (coord.) (2016), “Biographies of the Portuguese MPs, 2015 elections – Data Bases”, in Freire, André, Lisi, Marco & Tsatsanis, Emmanouil (coord.) (2016), Project “Crisis, Political Representation and Democratic Renewal: The Portuguese case in the Southern European context (2016-2019)” (FCT: PTDC/IVC-CPO/3098/2014) (