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State of Democracy in the World
As stated by Professor André Freire, in the presentation of the Observatory:
“Democratic political representation concerns the incorporation of citizenship into the political process and political decision-making, referring to the link between voters, elected officials and the production and implementation of public policies.”, Freire, André (2022)
For this reason, the Observatory proposes, in its objectives, to present annually the “State of Democracy in the World”. In this report, using empirical indicators provided by institutions such as the World Bank, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, V-Dem, among others. We will assess how Democracy is on the planet, in order to help disseminate its status, as well as possible causes and solutions that may be offered.
The launch of the 1st Report on the State of Democracy in the World of the Observatory of Democracy and Political Representation of CIES-Iscte will take place soon.